Bienvenue en New Orleans!

INSPIRE was born out of a dream that God would take a bunch of average, ordinary, messed-up people & do something great through them. We want to live like Jesus, for Jesus... No games. No hype, No pretense. Just Jesus. We ain't there yet, by a long shot, but we'd love for you to take the journey with us! - Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is Jesus REALLY "My Homeboy"?

I don't get offended by most of the jokes aimed at Christians--at least told at our expense--for three reasons:

1. The guy in my mirror.
2. If it walks, looks, & quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
3. Honesty is STILL the best policy.

Let me explain what I mean.

1. The guy in my mirror...

I tend to take myself WAY too seriously! But when I look into the mirror, what I see looking back at me is just downright funny sometimes! And there's nothing quite as liberating as being able to laugh at yourself!

2. If it walks, looks, & quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

The thing that makes a joke funny is often the element of truth in it. At let's be honest... We deserve a good bit of the fun poked at us.

3. Honesty is STILL the best policy...

I'd rather someone be honest in their rejection of Jesus or their disagreement with my portrayal of Him than for them to conceal it by saying & doing the "right" religious things. Religion almost killed me, & I've noticed that people don't get free of religion's deathgrip until they let go of their pretense.

I've also noticed something else...

Sometimes people poke fun of Jesus not because of who Jesus is, but because of how we portray Him.

I'm not the most-persuasive person in the world, but when I meet someone like that, my heart leaps inside of me & I desperately want to share with them the Jesus that I know & love!

I don't meant the "religious" Jesus hanging in a frame in somebody's house or around somebody's necklace, or on their T-shirt, I mean the One that reached down into the pit & pulled me out, even though I was anything but deserving of it!

I'm STILL not deserving of it!

If I had the chance to sit down with them & share my heart with them, I'd tell them why Jesus is NOT the weak, wimpy, masochistic, ignorant, pacifistic fool I so often see Him portrayed as.

I'd show them how Jesus is like NO ONE else there has ever been!

I'd show them how Jesus is NOT just some religious leader!

I'd show them how Jesus is truly unique... And why they should care.

In fact, I think I will... Beginning this Sunday!

It's a new series called, "Unique: Who Is Jesus... And Why Should I Care?"

If you don't have a church you call home, will you be my guest, please?

If you have friends &/or family who aren't interested in religion but are hungry for something real, will you bring them & be my guest, please?

We are Inspire, & we meet in the Rivertown Theater at 325 Minor Street in Kenner, Sundays at 10am.

I hope to see you there... Because God has MUCH more for you to experience in this life!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Divine Disclaimer

Ever read or heard a disclaimer?

You know... One of those legal "CYA" phrases companies tack on their products or at the end of their commercials so somebody can't sue their "A" off?

Maybe you've seen one of these (or something similar)...
  • No animals were harmed in the making of this film. 
  • Names have been changed to protect the innocent. 
  • Some assembly required. 
  • Batteries not included. 
  • Kids, get you parents permission before calling. 
  • Compensated re-enactment; not an actual [fill in the professional]. 
  • Actual [product name] customers; NOT a paid endorsement.
  • Offer void where prohibited. 
  • Offer not available in all 50 states or where prohibited by law.
Then there's the one on my hair dryer...

  • WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK! Do not use in the shower!
Seriously?! Someone actually TRIED that?!

And then there's the ones they speed-read at the end of those pharmaceutical commercials... WHOA! Does ANYONE know what those people are saying?!

And my all-time personal favorite...
  • CAUTION: The beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot!

No... REALLY?!

Wait! Lemme get this straight: when I go to Starbucks... And order a hot coffee... It's gonna... be... hot?

Who'd of thunk it?!

So, now that I've got THAT out of the way, let me tell you what happened to me this morning!

I met with one of our overseers this morning & shared a particular issue I'm wrestling with during this chapter of my journey. He shared some GREAT perspective & gave me some GREAT advice!

I left our time together grateful for him & for our time together.

Within an hour, someone sent me a text & asked if I could talk. I called them & guess what?

They're wrestling with the EXACT issue that I'd just received fresh perspective & insight for!

Wow! Small world, right?

Or, maybe it's better put this way: Big God!

You see, I believe that everything we endure (say it with me: "E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G") is for the benefit of someone else, if we'll just open up & let God use it (us).

So, after sharing that, let me share one more disclaimer--A Divine Disclaimer--with you...

DISCLAIMER: All coincidences actual or imagined are purely intentional on the part of God Almighty.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ba dop bop ba baaaaa...


Launching Inspire has been one of wildest, funnest, most-exciting rides I've EVER been on!

I am continue to be amazed at the way our Dream Team just keeps giving & giving... They are my heroes!!

I get to chat with other church planters just about daily through various avenues and media. As I do, I get to reflect on what God & our Dream Team have done. With each story, I find my heart swelling with pride. I almost want to pinch myself because sometimes it seems too good to be true.

Our Inspire Kids cast is absolutely amazing! Here's one example of the impact they're making: this past weekend, one little boy asked if he could keep his lanyard, "'Cuz I'm comin' back NEXT week!"

Our First-Impressions cast continues to make our guests feel like they're part of the family (in a good way!) from the moment they set foot on the campus! One guest told me Sunday, "I feel SO welcome & appreciated here!"

Our Worship cast is incredible, too! One lady told us that she felt God's presence during the

Jennifer & I have been dreaming about the kind of church we wanted to be part of for over 12 years... And we have had the unspeakable joy of experiencing that church for the past three weeks!

And it's not because of US... It's because of TWO things: God and our Dream Team!

It reminds me of that McDonald's jingle...

Ba dop bop ba baaaaa... I'm lovin' it!

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's Nice to Be Needed... It's Better NOT to Be!

Late last night, I posted here some thoughts about my personal journey in planting a church.

What I intended to share was how amazing & awesome our Launch Team has been... What came across, however, was something TOTALLY different!

I don't know if I was distracted, tired, or just having a fit of stupid, but if I came across to you as doing ANYTHING other than bragging on our Launch Team, then I am deeply sorry... WIll you please forgive me (ESPECIALLY if you're on our Launch Team)?


So... I'm gonna try this again. Let's see if I can get it right this time.

Planting the church you've always wanted to be a part of is really exciting! It's really hard work, but it's SO worth it!

One of the things that has made it so rewarding for me has been watching God transform a group of people into a team.  And a huge part of that has been seeing the vision that God gave Jennifer & I become the Launch Team's vision!

For the last 6 months, they have put aside their preferences & plans to be a part of launching Inspire. During those 6 months, there were times when they didn't see the vision the way Jennifer & I did, but they believed in God & they believed in us & they kept going.

During those days when they loved us (but hadn't yet caught the vision), one of my chief responsibilities was to keep the vision before them. You see, before they saw the vision, they needed Jennifer & I to see it & tell them what we saw.

But somewhere along the journey, the got it... They SAW the vision for themselves! Some of them were seeing it & knew it;  others were seeing it, but didn't know it yet. (They do now, by the way!)

And once they saw it for themselves, they didn't just follow us anymore... They no longer needed Jennifer or me to keep seeing & telling them what we saw.

They saw it for themselves!

They grabbed ahold of the vision and started carrying it for themselves.

That shift from needing us to see the vision for them to seeing it themselves has been one of the most-amazing things I have ever witnessed or had the privilege of being part of!

And let me just tell you, I couldn't be more proud of our Launch Team! They absolutely knocked it out of the park on Launch Day (and week 2, I might add)!

Jennifer & I have been waiting 12 years to be a part of a church like Inspire... A church that is life-giving, creative, diverse, & passionate!

And now we get to!

And let me confess: it ain't because of me & Jennifer that Inspire is like this... It's because of our Launch Team. (They're called the Dream Team now, since the launch is over.)

Let me tell ya: it's nice to be needed, but when it comes to vision, it's SO much better NOT to be!

Thanks, Inspire Dream Team for making our dreams come true... And this is JUST the beginning!!

Jennifer & I love y'all!
