Bienvenue en New Orleans!

INSPIRE was born out of a dream that God would take a bunch of average, ordinary, messed-up people & do something great through them. We want to live like Jesus, for Jesus... No games. No hype, No pretense. Just Jesus. We ain't there yet, by a long shot, but we'd love for you to take the journey with us! - Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Practicin' What I'm Preachin' & Preachin' What I'm Practicin'

This past Sunday, my message was about being the incredible freedom that comes from being thankful in the midst of our circumstances--regardless of what they are.

I worked all week preparing my message (as I usually do), & went into the weekend relieved that I didn't have any last-minute cramming to worry about (unfortunately, that happens sometimes, too). I was glad to enjoy Father's Day weekend with my family!

Then, on Friday, while I was mowing, one of the glass panes in our patio slider door spontaneously started shattering. And if you've ever seen that, it's CRAZY!

I Googled it & learned that it's not all that uncommon. I also learned that the tempered glass keeps the shattered window in place instead of millions of little pieces falling all over the place. Good idea!

...when it works!

I walked out the front door and into the front yard, relieved that the issue wasn't as bad as it could've been if the glass fell out.

As I came back inside & the front door closed behind me, I heard an unmistakable--and sickening--sound....

Let's just say the tempered glass did NOT stay in place! In fact, it made one of the biggest messes I've ever seen!

So, there I stood, looking out a 3-foot round hole in my slider & trying to figure out what the heck I was gonna do to fix it.

I tried plastic first. Bad idea: the AC just pushed it through the hole!

And made the hole even bigger.

About this time, I started getting so frustrated (angry) that cuss words started running through my mind. (I was in the Navy for 10 years, y'all, so I've got quite the cussin' vocabulary!) Then I started making up new ones!

And then it hit me.

"I'm living out the lesson for Sunday's message!"


So, right then & there I decided that I was going to put into practice what I was gonna be preaching: I was gonna CHOOSE to be grateful. I didn't FEEL grateful, but I was gonna BE grateful anyhow.

The moment I did, my head started clearing, my blood pressure started dropping, and I started laughing. Not a belly laugh, but a little chuckle. Just for a moment.

In a matter of minutes, I'd put a plan together to temporarily fix the window, executed the plan, AND decided that it was time to replace the slider with those french doors that Jennifer's been wanting for so long.

Sunday's message may not have been for anybody else, but it certainly was for me!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Feeling Pretty Grateful!

Last Sunday, we started a new message series at Inspire about the power of Gratitude to bring freedom to our lives. I've really enjoyed the brainstorming sessions with our Creative Team. I've enjoyed the research & studying for the messages. I enjoyed delivering the first message yesterday.

But, most of all, I've enjoyed living the message I've been sharing!

Today is a perfect example of why.

We've had a financial challenge for the last 3 years that has been extremely trying! Part of what's been so frustrating has been how long it's been drawn out.

But today, the answer came!

Not only did the answer come, but it came with some unexpected surprises... The REALLY-good kind!

It turns out that some of the frustrating challenges along the way ended up being the very reason we were pleasantly surprised in the end!

So, today... I am feeling pretty grateful!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life's Little Pleasures Oughtta Be a BIG Deal!

The other day, I was driving home from the office through a residential part of town. I happened to be behind a big tractor trailer.

Up ahead and off to the right, I noticed a woman in one of those motorized scooters/wheelchairs that they give to people who can't physically get around on their own anymore.

My heart went out to her as I approached... The look on her face seemed to say that she wasn't really "living" anymore, but pretty much just "existing." She was alone and didn't seem to notice me--or much of anybody else, for that matter.

But something caught her attention.

The big rig.

As her eyes locked onto the truck, the lifeless look on her face evaporated and a mischievous little grin turned the corners of her mouth into the smile of a little girl.

Keeping her focus on the semi, she thrust her right hand straight up in the air, clenched her fist, and pumped it up and down in the "Honk your horn, Mr. Semi" gesture.

The semi driver must've noticed the lady, too, because as soon as she started pumping her fist, he let out a big, long blast on his horn! (God bless that guy!)

As soon as residential peace & tranquility had been successfully shattered, her little-girl smile turned into full-on grin! Her pumping fist was joined by her other hand in a triumphant, "We just won the Super Bowl!!!!!"-type celebration.

As I passed, I could read her lips as she threw her head to one side & declared with some attitude, "Yes, inDEED!"

I couldn't help myself... I just HAD to chuckle.

I was happy for her! Happy because she had seemed so UNhappy just a few moments before! And such a small little thing brought her so much joy.

And that's when it hit me: I'd be a LOT less stressed if life's little pleasures were a big deal to me, too.

They oughtta be!

From now on, they're gonna be!