Nothing particularly significant about that, really.
Well... Unless you consider the end of the world "significant."
Oh, yeah... The world was supposed to end today. So far, so good.
Don't misunderstand... I think the world still being here is great news. I just wish this Mr. Doomsday Predictor (whatever his name is) would have identified himself as a false prophet BEFORE all this foolishness. Not than any of us would've paid any attention to him if he had (not that any of us DID pay any attention to him), but I'm just REALLY tired of people saying & doing stupid things 'in the name of Jesus."
To be honest... It seems to me like we Christians have a hard-enough time earning credibility with the world that God commands us to reach. The LAST thing need is some (other) knucklehead out there shooting his (or her) mouth off for the sake of his (her) proverbial 15-minutes of fame.
The fact that today's little Oops-the-world-didn't-end-so-I-guess-you're-a-false-prophet "fiasco"thistle current clown's SECOND time to ride this pony (I just learned today that this wingnut did this back in 1994, too) just rubs salt in my wounds.
What really bothers me isn't that this guy shot his mouth off & made a fool of himself. (Knock yourself out, Dude.)
Actually, it's not even that he provides (another) opportunity for people to make fun of Christians. (Like we need to provide opportunities.)
It's not even that people lump ME in with other "ministers" like this guy. (That comes with the territory.)
Come to think of it, it's not even that I look like a fool thanks to this idiot. (Vicarious association can be a real bugger!)
What REALLY bugs me about it is that I am MORE than capable of looking like a fool ON MY OWN MERITS!
I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP, Mr. Camping...
I'm doing just fine making a fool of myself, Sir!!
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