Bienvenue en New Orleans!

INSPIRE was born out of a dream that God would take a bunch of average, ordinary, messed-up people & do something great through them. We want to live like Jesus, for Jesus... No games. No hype, No pretense. Just Jesus. We ain't there yet, by a long shot, but we'd love for you to take the journey with us! - Pastor Jeff

Friday, October 12, 2012

The toughest seed I've ever sown

Last month, we took one of the biggest steps of faith in my life!

Nearly 13 years ago, God sent Jennifer and I to New Orleans to bring the Life of Jesus to a people who--for the most part--are tragically unaware of just how much He loves them.

We have fought long and hard to see that come to pass.

So far, it has not.

Have you ever looked at a seed? What did you see?

Did you notice size? Color? Texture? Shape?

Did you see "just" a seed or did you see potential?

Did you see the potential for that seed to become a tree?

Or did you see "just" a seed?

Did you see the potential for that seed--that ONE seed--to become a forrest?

Or did you see "just" a seed?

That potential is there. In fact, if that seed does what it was created to do, it WILL become a forrest! The only way that seed does NOT become a forrest is if something actively hinders it from fulfilling its purpose.

But... Does that seed look like the forrest it will become?


It takes VISION to see that seed for more than what it IS, and for what it can BECOME.

It also takes vision to see a church for more than what IT is, and for what it can become!

But you'll never see that potential in a church if you don't first see that church as a seed.

But once you DO see that church as a seed, God can take you to the NEXT step.

In John 12:24, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives."

What did Jesus say must happen to the seed in order for it to become a forrest?

It must die.

So, what must happen to a church AS IT IS in order for it to become what it COULD be?

It must die.

How does a church die?

There are as many answers to that question as there are churches. And each church has to figure out what THEIR answer is!

But figuring out what the answer IS doesn't mean the answer is easy to LIVE. We figured out our answer two years ago, but it terrified us! (Well... It terrified ME!)

Here's what WE had to do to die: we had to stop having services.

We had to stop HAVING church so we could learn to BE the church.

We had to stop trying to be a forrest--because we weren't, no matter how hard we tried to be!--and just be a seed.

That was one of the biggest steps of faith I have ever taken. (It may very well have been the biggest, but I'm trying not to be dramatic.)

And once we took that step, God changed everything!

Once we took that step, God replaced wrestling with relief... It's exhausting trying to be something you're not!

Once we took that step, God replaced frustration with joy... It's liberating to be who you are!

Once we took that step, God replaced futility with hope... It's inspiring to realize that God has placed tremendous potential in the YOU He created!

So, we don't have services anymore... We've accepted that we're a seed for now, and we've let God plant us just beneath the surface, feeding and watering us so that we can become the forrest we see in the vision He gave us.

Our answer may not work for you... In fact, you'd BETTER know it's God if you even try it!

But as crazy as it seemed, it was OUR answer... And it has been one of the best decisions we ever made!

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