Bienvenue en New Orleans!

INSPIRE was born out of a dream that God would take a bunch of average, ordinary, messed-up people & do something great through them. We want to live like Jesus, for Jesus... No games. No hype, No pretense. Just Jesus. We ain't there yet, by a long shot, but we'd love for you to take the journey with us! - Pastor Jeff

Sunday, January 13, 2013

When "Why" Get's Lost in "What" & "How"


You may have some sense of the excitement I feel when I type that (it is, after all, all caps), but I am equally sure that you probably do NOT feel the stress that I'm feeling!


Ya see, I am a VERY focused person... It is definitely one of my greatest personal strengths.


Sometimes, it can become my greatest weakness.

You see, my ability to focus on a project means that I am very good at setting my sights on a goal, then creating the necessary steps to move me & my team toward successful accomplishment of the goal.

But what I learned this week is that I can get SO focused on the goal--the "What" I'm doing--and the necessary steps--the "How" to do it--that I forget what is actually the most-important thing... The "Why" I'm doing it.

The "Why" may not matter in a number of pursuits, but planting a church is not--I repeat, NOT--just any pursuit!

Planting a church is all about making Jesus real to people.

THAT is the "Why."

Don't misunderstand: the "What" & the "How" are super-important, but they are not NEARLY as important as the "Why!"

And--unfortunately for me--it's FAR TOO EASY for the "Why" to get lost in the "What" & the "How!"

When that happens, I MUST go back to the "Why" & get everything else back into its proper place.

And once I do, I find that the "What" & the "How" flow much more easily from the "Why."

Go back to the "Why," my friend... Go back to the "Why."

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